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  3. What to do when your septic alarm goes off?

What to do when your septic alarm goes off?

Everything you need to know about septic tank alarms

The septic alarm systems monitor the water levels in the septic tank. They are designed to alert the user when the water level is too high or too low. So if your alarm goes off or if you can see a red light on the alarm, this can indicate a higher than usual level of water.

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What are the reasons for the high water level in the septic tank?

There could be many reasons for a high level of water in your septic tank system.

  1. No power supply to the septic system - Check your switchboard to see if the septic system is getting a power supply.
  2. Groundwater or rainwater can also accumulate around the septic system and seep into the tank.
  3. The effluent filter could be clogged. This slows down the flow of effluent leaving the system, increasing the water level in the septic tank.
  4. Some septic tanks use pumps to feed the effluent into the secondary treatment systems. If the pump has failed, it will increase the water level in the tank.
  5. The leach field can become clogged with effluent and cause the water level to increase.
  6. Mechanical problems in the air compressor, float switch or other components can also cause the water level to rise.

In Aerobic Treatment Systems, this problem could arise due to a faulty aeration device or a high water level in the aeration tank.

Find out more about septic system maintenance

What to do if the septic alarm goes off?

Some septic systems will differentiate between an air alarm and a high water alarm and some will just alarm. If the high level alarm is on and your sprinklers are activated  just wait the water will eventually clear. If not check your sprinklers are plugged in properly.

Help - the red light on the septic system is still on!

If the red light on the alarm won't turn off, do not panic. Contact Express Wastewater and we can resolve the problem in a prompt and professional manner. We prioritise emergency issues and provide services throughout South-East Queensland. So if your septic system needs an urgent checkup, give us a call at 1300 722 517 or complete our online job booking form.