1. Septic Systems
  2. Information
  3. Is Finish dishwasher detergent safe for septic tanks?

Is Finish dishwasher detergent safe for septic tanks?

The Finish website states that its products are biodegradable, phosphate-free, safe for the environment and safe to use in homes with septic tanks. This covers their dishwasher detergent, rinse aid, and dishwasher cleaner products.

Finish Quantum Dishwasher Detergent
Finish Quantum dishwasher detergent - image Finish

Why is Phosphate-free dishwasher detergent important?

Phosphates can interfere with the balance of good bacteria which help to naturally break down solids in the septic tank. Phosphates can also work their way into the groundwater around your home and eventually into the creeks, lakes, and rivers killing off fish and encouraging algae overgrowth.

Disturbing the balance of bacteria in your septic tank can lead to a range of issues and can take some work to re-establish.

Always look for dishwasher and cleaning products which state they are safe for septic systems, biodegradable and free from or low in phosphates.

Book a wastewater expert

If you are unsure of what home cleaning, clothes washing and dishwasher products can be used with your brand of septic tank or home wastewater treatment system speak to the team at Express Wastewater today for professional advice on maintaining your plumbing systems.



