Every home has a way to get rid of wastewater and, depending on the household, this can be done in different ways. And it doesn't matter how many people live in your home or how many fixtures you have, wastewater treatment is still super important.
From Municipal sewerage arrangements to onsite septic tanks, there are plenty of options available. But how do you know if you have a septic tank? And where is it located?
What is a septic tank?
A septic tank is the most well-known component of a septic system, being a buried watertight container that can be constructed from concrete, fibreglass or polyethylene plastic. Its main responsibility is to collect and store all the wastewater from the plumbing in your home before dispensing it through a drain field. The process a septic tank uses is quite simple - some of the matter that drains in (ie. grease and fats) floats to the top of the tank and forms a scum layer, whilst the rest of the broken down solids (sludge) sinks to the bottom. The water that has been clarified is then transferred through an outlet and enters a trench or disposal area.
Diagram of a Septic Tank
Depending on the system, some septic tanks may treat either just blackwater (toilet discharge) or both grey and blackwater (all household wastewater).
How do I know if I have a septic tank?
There are a few things that you can do to find out if you have a septic tank on your property:
Where is your property located? Is it in a rural location, or in a town or city? Generally speaking, if you live in a town or city you will be connected to the Municipal sewerage system. However, if you are located outside these areas, your property may not be connected and the treatment and disposal of wastewater must occur on your property via a wastewater system (e.g. septic tank).
Can you see any manholes or other access ports along your street? If so, this is an indicator that your property is connected to the Municipal sewerage system (so no septic tank!).
Do you have a 'bump' in your grass? If so, this domed area may indicate that you have a septic tank (we are not suggesting a hill in your yard, just a small bump).
Call your local governmental authorities and they should be able to assist in relation to your specific property (once you have provided the relevant details).
Call a professional! If you are still unsure as to whether your property has a septic tank, get in contact with your local wastewater company and they will be able to assist (or call Express Wastewater on 1300 722 517 and we would be happy to help).
From Municipal sewerage arrangements to onsite septic tanks, there are plenty of options available. But how do you know if you have a septic tank? And where is it located?
How do I find my septic tank?
In order to find your septic tank, look out for the following:
Wet places on your grass that have no reason to be consistently damp - can indicate your septic tank location.
Some septic tanks have a 'riser' that is attached to their opening. This is generally a white plastic PVC pipe with a cap, and it sticks out of the ground.
Do you have an area of your yard that remains green, even when it is dry? This may be the effluent area for your septic tank.
Septic tanks and their effluent areas, due to health reasons, are not located directly next to buildings and are a little distance away (anywhere between 2 to 6 or more metres away), so do not go searching right up against your exterior walls.
Many septic tanks have markers, such as stakes, where the effluent is pumped out.
If you still can not locate your septic tank, call in a professional! They will be able to assist and advise if you have one and, if you do, where it is located.
Why do I need to know where my septic tank is?
So, after all this, why should you even know where your septic tank is located? There are a few key reasons why knowing where your septic tank is, is important:
You can locate an issue with your septic tank quicker if you know where it is.
If you are thinking of landscaping your yard or giving your property a remodel, knowing where your septic tank is can save both time and money in the short and long term.
Septic tanks require maintenance so if you know where your septic tank is, you can care for it properly.
Finally, if you know where your septic tank is located, you can direct a professional to go and see it much easier!
If you would like some more assistance with your septic tank or are considering installing a septic tank at your home, give Express Wastewater Solutions a call at 1300 722 517 today.