Onsite sewerage facilities (OSF) or Home Sewage Treatment Plants (HSTP) require approval before installation and regular testing for continued operation. This ensures the system is working properly - the effluent is safe to be released and doesn't cause pollution. Just like your car requires regular servicing, so does your wastewater treatment plant.
Owners are responsible to maintain the system on their property and renew the permit annually. According to Queensland Government Plumbing Legislation, the owner is responsible for the maintenance of the on-site wastewater treatment plant.
If you operate a system which is not operating properly, it can have serious consequences on your health and the local environment. Moreover, you can also be fined by the council for operating a non-compliant OSF. To prevent this inconvenience and unnecessary hassle it's essential to schedule regular servicing.
Regular service reports are mandatory for owners of HSTP in Queensland. For example, Brisbane City Council requires owners with on-site sewerage facilities to have a valid wastewater permit which should be renewed every year. The required service and testing need to be conducted by a licensed wastewater service agent.
According to the Queensland Plumbing and Wastewater code, the OSF must meet the following criteria:
We can collect the required samples from your property and send them to a lab for analysis.
The property owner needs to fill out the owner section of the Aerobic Sewage Treatment Plant Service Report (DTS3) and the wastewater professionals fill out the chemist section of the form. Once the results are received, they can be forwarded to the local council.
Local governments can issue 20 penalty units to owners for operating a non-compliant OSF under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 (Section 70). If the service report is not received within the usual service interval, the council will contact the property owner and service agents for follow-up.