Call us at 1300 770 594 or fill out our online job booking form.
When it comes to wastewater treatment, Express Wastewater is your number one option in the Brisbane area covering the installation and repair of both Septic and Home Sewage Treatment Plants (HSTP). Our friendly team can install, maintain and even repair HSTPs and provide parts and solutions for all your Water treatment issues.
Get in touch with us today to see for yourself why we're so well-renowned in Brisbane and across southeast Queensland.
Call us at 1300 770 594 or fill out the form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Not sure what you need? Our friendly team can offer you Wastewater solutions that will work for you supported by years of experience and knowledge in working with all the top wastewater treatment systems on the market.
Need your old septic tank replaced, why not let Express provide you with a complete wastewater treatment conversion to a modern Home sewage treatment plant? As a tight-nit friendly, family-owned company and we pride ourselves on the fact that our Wastewater treatment services are exactly what you have been looking for and will also work exactly the way they should.
Our experience, expertise and excellent client relationships make for outstanding service and overall customer satisfaction. Get in touch with us today to see for yourself why we're so well-renowned in Brisbane, and across southeast Queensland.
Not sure what Water Treatment system you need? Express can service all the main wastewater types and provide options that work for you:
Septic Systems are the old-style septic tanks that have been used since we first started treating wastewater. The septic system uses microorganisms in a biological process to break down the wastewater. Septic System Overview
Home sewage treatment plants, otherwise known as HSTPs, are the other option when it comes to wastewater treatment. Unlike the septic system, the HSTP has three stages to treat the wastewater to a higher quality level than a septic system.
There are plenty of reasons why you should decide to work with Express wastewater; some of them being:
For the very best in wastewater treatment systems in Brisbane Southside, contact our wastewater team on 1300 770 594 , or complete a booking form today.
We provide additional services in Brisbane South
Wastewater Treatment